Friday, June 18, 2010

15 hours of flying.... I am in Africa!!!!!!!

I am writing my first post here in Africa! I cannot believe it! Words cannot even describe what I am feeling right now. I have been take pictures and using the Flip Cam to record this amazing experience.

Here is a quick recap of what my life has been like in the last 24 hrs... :-) Hopefully I can get it all in before my hour of Internet time runs up.

I departed Philadelphia at 2AM on a Greyhound bus. There were only 12 people on the bus. It was the best bus ride ever. The only problem was that it ended to quickly. It only took us an hour and forty minutes because there was no traffic.

When I arrive at Port Authority the subway was closed at that section and I had to carry all my luggage up 4 flights of steps... Talk about an early morning work out.

I then decided that I was going to take a Taxi to JFK. Of course I ended up with a very entertaining taxi driver. I just wanted to sleep but I got to hear his whole life story which was entertaining.

I arrived at the airport at around 4:30 and of course I couldn't check in until 7:30. Luckily I found a great spot of a nap... and looking at the drool stain I had on my shirt I must have had a good nap. I then killed time in the airport and get some food and waited until it was time for me depart.

As I boarded the plane I had so many emotions running through my head. I was excited, nervous, anxious, and just didn't know what to really expect. Luckily, April had written me a letter that was in my wallet that I read and that put me at ease.

The person next to me was a good seat partner and I had the window seat. Lunch was really good I had Lamb Stew and then the plane was dark and most people slept. 15 hours seems like a long time.... and it definitely is when you are sitting down in an airplane.. however I made it and was able to watch 4 episodes of Glee.. :-)

Now I am waiting in the Johannesburg airport on my way to CapeTown. World Cup fever is crazy here! It is so amazing to see people so passionate about their country in sports.

Well thats all for now... off to take a nap before I fly to Cape Town!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited and happy to hear that you made it safely! You are on a journey of a lifetime professionally and mentally. Soak in every moment that you possibly can as a means to make you better!! Even your mistakes will sharpen and define your character!! Pray often and smile every day=) Don't worry, Be happy!!!!
